Sunday, 26 February 2017

epson Ink jet L220

epson ink jet l220:                                                                                                            It can be ink tank besed.colour,block&white print,copy,scan,x-rox.It con be 18copy speed block &white,colour 8copy speed.


kyocera 1040:                                                                                                             50,000 drum warany,simpel prienter.refilling to essy to tank.paper jaming to retifide to essy.
powder tank
paper jam and drum unit
1040 printer

kyocera mf 1020

kyocera mf 1020 :                                                                                                              a4 mirror and 50,000copy drum waranty.             small and light work to be used.100- 200 day to work as used.then to be ger unit ,main moter copacity of life is low. hevy work is not to be used. ate time 20-30 copy print or scan, x-rox to used.
powder tank
1020 printer

kyocera mf 1060dn

kyocera mf 1060dn:                                                                                                                This is compatabul printer.It can be 50,000 copy drum waranty. refilling as essy to over only to working. It con be powder tank to fill the powder at kyocera 100gm to 250gm.power consuption is low at 1kv Invortor to working.a4,legal as pasibul to prient.usb soported to can be used an silican coted drum, and magetic roller and then magenitic toner at kyocera brand toner as used.
powder tank
no chip used in.


Wednesday, 15 February 2017

hp 1020 plus

hpleser jet 1020 plus:                                                                                                   this is hig Qulity printer , advanced progaming  working. high emaeg qulity . It can be used in magnict roller and megntic toner, Teflon sleve. low power consuption.paper jam singel door.It con be used 12a catardge.
12a cataridige
1020 plus

Wednesday, 8 February 2017

samsung sl k2200 multi fuctional prienter

SAMSUNG sl k2200 :                                                                                                         Detels: This is nan magintic toner raber roler based. A3 scaner,drum unit-devalaper unit saparet.ever2,000 to 3,000 copy devalaper clinig as to best qulity. Bi -pas also 30-40 sheets of capacity.two casets.                  
devaloper unit
SL K2200

Friday, 3 February 2017

kyocera Ecosys mf2030nd

Kyocera Ecosys m2030:

drum unit

devloper unit

powder tank

kyocera-Ecosys-fs 2100nd

2100 nd

kyocera Ecosys-fs 2100nd:                50,ooo copy drum waranty.                                                                                  Discription:This is duplex printer. 21 copy speed,hig Quality prient,1/2 kg powder tank,complty  bmagetic roller besed.networing prienter.It be used in pen drive to prient,scn, copy.                                                                                                        drum unit:                                                                            
                                    It can be used in carrona . Silicon coted drum.  Devaloper unit:
powder tank
devalaper unit

Thursday, 2 February 2017

CANAN Lbp 2900

canan lbp 2900:                                                                                                             The laser jet simpel printer.only printing in high Quality.It can be used12a cataridge. magint roller,magntic,toner all so used and then high qulity prient yeld.essye to working. useb port working. 
12a cataridge
canan lbp 2900 printer